Just wanted to touch base and let everyone know how things are going. Progress up to this point has been pretty slow. The initial scene was a slog to get throug...
Version 0.3 is here! This update wraps up Act 1 so I'm pretty excited for you guys to play it, and to hear what you think. What's new? Nat gets freaky Mol and S...
Just two weeks away! I'm really excited for you guys to play this next update because it's the end of Act 1 and we'll finally be able to get into the real meat...
Just thought I should check in and let you guys know how things are coming along with the next release. I should be finishing up most of the renders this week...
Make sure to download both parts! In about a week I'll start sharing news about what's coming next, but for now, enjoy, and as always, let me know what you thin...
Version 0.2 public release in two weeks! That's only 14 days. But wait, there's even better news! I forgot to post this last night, so it's actually going to be...
I'm at the point where I need to make a judgment call about where to end this update. It's been about a month since the last release and I generally like the id...
I hope everyone has had a chance to check out the current release. I also hope the adjustments were an improvement for those of you who tried the initial versio...